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Nietzsche and Critical Posthumanism, Transhumanism, and Metahumanism 2024


Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy,

Department of Philosophy, Cluj-Napoca are pleased to announce the international conference on: 


28-29 June 2024

Babeș-Bolyai University

1 Mihail Kogalniceanu Street, RO-400084,

Cluj-Napoca, Romania

 Download Conference Program

 Download Abstract Booklet


In order to explore the relevance of Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophical ideas and theories in terms of the posthuman paradigm shift, it is essential to adopt an open and critical approach. Such an approach should not only focus on Nietzsche’s philosophical legacy but also delve into the antagonisms and convergences between Nietzsche’s philosophical theories and concepts and Critical, Speculative, and Philosophical Posthumanism, Classical, and Euro-Transhumanism, as well as Metahumanism. The aim of this conference is to thoroughly explore the multitude of questions that arise from the ongoing and complex challenge of understanding the potential impact of Nietzsche’s philosophy on the posthuman paradigm shift. These aspects include the way we address the complexities associated with the emergence of new sciences and technologies, human enhancements, anthropocentrism, the realm of posthuman art and aesthetics, bioethics, and the realm of posthuman education, among other significant topics. The conference endeavors to encourage open and creative dialogues among researchers, philosophers, humanists, transhumanists, posthumanists, and metahumanists, who will present their research in diverse fields such as philosophy, ethics, psychology, music, arts, bioethics, emerging technologies, sociology, education, cultural studies, and more. 

* While the conference is planned as an in-person event, we are also open to accepting a limited number of online presentations.

The organizers of the conference are Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of History and Philosophy, the Posthuman Studies Research Group (PSRG) of the Center for Applied Philosophy (CAPH) of the Department of Philosophy, and Lect. Dr. Aura Elena Schussler in collaboration with Trivent.


Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, John Cabot University, Rome, Italy

Yunus Tuncel, New School University, New York, NY, USA


Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

• Possible influences of Nietzsche’s philosophy on European and American transhumanist thinking

• Can Nietzsche be considered a precursor of transhumanism?

• Transhumanist bioethics, Übermensch, the Will to Power ontology, and evolution

• The ‘Overhuman’, the ‘Last Man’, genetic engineering, and digital immortality

• Digital death, cryonics, and Nietzsche’s ‘free death’ doctrine

• Education, freedom, human enhancement, and Nietzsche’s self-overcoming principle

• Possible influences of Nietzsche’s philosophy on critical and philosophical posthumanism

• Nietzsche’s ethical theory, political philosophy, and philosophical anthropology in the framework of critical posthumanism

• Posthuman art and Nietzsche’s aesthetics

• Nietzsche, music, and posthuman aesthetics

• Nietzsche’s naturalism, the Anthropocene, and critical posthumanist environmental ethics

• The metahumanities in a Nietzschean paradigm

• Metahumanist ethics, the ‘Overhuman’, and the ‘Metahuman’


We invite participants to submit abstracts of around 250-300 words and up to 5 keywords, including the name(s), affiliation of the presenter(s), and contact information, together with a short author(s) bio (100 words), in MS Word format to: Aura Schussler (


Submission deadline: 25th  March, 2024

Extended Deadline: 5th April, 2024

Notification of acceptance: 10th April, 2024

Date of conference: 28-29th June, 2024


100 Euro (early bird – till 30th April)

150 euro (later – till 31st May)

Conference fees include the following:

All presentations will be considered for publication in an essay collection that will come out in print as well as in open access.

Conference dinner on the 28th. 

Conference lunch on the 29th.


The best papers from the Conference will be published in an essay collection (in print as well as as open access) of the Posthuman Studies book series (Lect. Dr. Aura Schussler, Series Editor), within the Trivent Transhumanism imprint. Each paper should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words. All papers will undergo a peer-review process.

If you have any questions regarding the conference and submissions, please contact: Aura Schussler (

If you find yourself interested in these topics, please take a moment to explore the following two collections:

Tuncel. Y. (Eds.). (2017/2023). Nietzsche and Transhumanism: Precursor or Enemy? Cambridge Scholars Publishing. (Original work published 2017)

Schussler, A. E. & Balistreri, M. (Eds.). (2024). Metahumanism, Euro-Transhumanism and Sorgner’s Philosophy— Technology, Ethics, Art. Trivent Publishing.


For submissions or questions, please contact conference chair Aura Schussler at

Or contact Trivent at: or

Nietzsche and Critical Posthumanism, Transhumanism, and Metahumanism 2024

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