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History Album

Trivent Publishing, H-1119 Budapest, Etele u. 59-61

Publisher: Teodora C. Artimon

Imprint: Trivent Medieval


Dr. Lech Koscielak,


History is a photograph of people, events and phenomena. Everything that happened because of man, willingly or not, is a perpetuation of the past. History is a kind of carbon copy of achievements. Of course, there are general development trends and specific directions. Apart from commonly known events and phenomena, marginal trends and directions reflect peripheral activities.

To understand marginality, a broad classification paradigm is needed. It is essential to look at the complexity of historical conditions, e.g. art and culture, through different structures such as religion, ethnicity, social mobility, power, caste and gender.

The aim of this series is to show the diversity of products of human thought and hands in different regions of the world, especially in the field of art and culture. Time and space are determinants of the creation of various books. The less known aspects of the story, the better. The series does not impose strict word-counts, and encourages the usage of images illustrating the events and phenomena described. Articles in edited collections must be preceded by an abstract and keywords, with footnotes and references at the end of the text.


1. Challenges of Christianity from the Middle Ages to the present day

2. Reflections about African Art. Different Perspectives

3. Medieval art and culture from Byzantium to Burgundy

4. Art and culture in South Asia from rock art to culinary traditions

History Album

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