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Old Norse Studies

Trivent Publishing, H-1119 Budapest, Etele u. 59-61

Publisher: Teodora C. Artimon

Imprint: Trivent Medieval


Felix Lummer, University of Iceland,


Carina Damm, University of Silesia

Gwendolyne Knight, University of Stockholm

Katrín Lísa L. Mikaelsdóttir, Centre for Digital Humanities and Arts (CDHA), University of Iceland

Basil A. Price, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Declan Taggart, University of Iceland

Timothy Liam Waters, Charles University


The “Old Norse Studies” series examines the religious, cultural, and literary dimensions of pre-Christian and medieval Scandinavia and Iceland. The series aims to enhance our understanding of anthropological aspects of how Old Nordic religions and belief systems shaped Old Norse societies, and the resulting broader social consequences. In addition, it seeks to investigate cultural interactions, textual traditions, intertextuality, and representations of the environment, emotions, and senses, among other things.

While this series places particular interest on contributions that consider the religious aspects of both pre-Christian and medieval Scandinavia and Iceland, the editors also welcome contributions exploring various literary and cultural facets related to these periods and regions. Also, contributions related to neighbouring regions such as the British Isles, Central Europe (especially Germany), and the Baltic countries are also encouraged. This series aims to foster and nurture scholarly dialogues by creating an interdisciplinary discussion forum within Old Norse Studies and adjacent scholarly fields. 

The series thus welcome proposals for monographs, edited volumes, and conference proceedings from established scholars as well as early career scholars, and contributions regarding the following topics:

• Old Nordic Religions and Systems of Belief

• Mythology and the Eddas

• The supernatural and Human/non-human interactions

• Comparative Study of Religion and Comparative Literature Studies (with an Old Norse focus)

• Folklore

• Women, Gender, and Queer Studies

• Reception Studies

• Ecocriticism

• Study of Emotions and the Senses

• Linguistics

• Studies on Eastern Vikings/Rus and Arabic sources

All submissions will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process to guarantee the highest scholarly standards.


Felix Lummer holds a Ph.D. in Old Nordic Religion and Belief from the University of Iceland. He is a Sessional Lecturer of a course on Old Nordic Religion and Belief at the same institution. His current research interests are Old Nordic belief and mythology, translation studies, the studies of emotions in literature and the belliphonic.


Communication in Crisis: Contextualising, Conveying and Coping with Crises in the Medieval Period, eds. Katrín Lísa L. Mikaelsdóttir (University of Iceland) and Lea D. Pokorny (University of Iceland)  Download CFP

Old Norse Studies

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