Ethics of...
Edited by Maria Sinaci and Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
Publication date: May, 2018
Pages: 192
ISBN 978-615-80996-0-8 Paperback, €27.00
ISBN 978-615-6405-04-3 Hardcover, €94.00
eISBN 978-615-80996-1-5 eBook, €27.00
DOI: 10.22618/TP.AEBIO.20181
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Medical Futility...
Edited by Kartina A. Choong
Publication date: August, 2019
Pages: 329, colour
ISBN 978-615-81353-0-6 Paperback, €48.00
ISBN 978-615-6405-00-5 Hardcover, €131.00
eISBN 978-615-81353-1-3 eBook, €48.00
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The Bioethics of...
Edited by Oguz Kelemen, Gergely Tari
Publication date: April, 2019
Pages: 345, colour
ISBN 978-615-81222-8-3 Paperback, €31.00
ISBN 978-615-6405-01-2 Hardcover, €129.00
eISBN 978-615-81222-9-0 eBook, €31.00
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Heading Towards...
Edited by Miroslav Radenković
Publication date: June, 2021
Pages: 231, colour
ISBN 978-615-81821-1-9 Paperback, €44.00
ISBN 978-615-6405-05-0 Hardcover, €110.00
eISBN 978-615-81821-2-6 eBook, €44.00
DOI: 10.22618/TP.AEBIO.20214
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This book is fully available in open access.
Violent Tech. A...
Joshua K. Smith
Publication date: July, 2023
Pages: 215, colour
ISBN 978-615-6405-84-5 Paperback, €37.00
ISBN 978-615-6405-83-8 Hardcover, €69.00
eISBN 978-615-6405-85-2 eBook, €69.00
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Ethical Issues of...
Edited by Assya Pascalev and Gergely Tari
Publication date: September, 2024
Pages: 296, colour
ISBN 978-615-6696-41-0 Paperback, €49.00
eISBN 978-615-6696-42-7 eBook, €49.00
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