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Archaeology of Crime

Trivent Publishing, H-1119 Budapest, Etele u. 59-61


Andreas Wilmes (


In the words of Charles Joyner, microhistory can be defined as a research field that addresses “large questions in small places.” In a similar vein, the main ambition of this book series is addressing large questions in specific criminal cases. Archaeology of Crime is devoted to fostering interdisciplinary and academic research projects which consider criminal cases as more than mere minor news items.  The series welcomes the publication of past and modern crime archives (transcripts of court testimonies, police reports, psychiatric reports, biographies or autobiographies of criminals, outlaws, victims, or witnesses) supplemented by comments, annotations, and discussions from scholars specialized in history, law, criminology, and human sciences. Archaeology of Crime also welcomes edited volumes which open a dialogue between various academic fields regarding specific criminal cases. Last but not least, the book series welcomes monographs that attempt to test or illustrate historical, anthropological, sociological, and even philosophical theories based on specific criminal cases.

However, proposals that sit outside of these areas are also welcome.

Archaeology of Crime

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