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History Books

History Books

There are 34 products.

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Constructions of...

Edited by Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky

Publication date: November, 2018

Pages: 154, colour

ISBN 978-615-80996-8-4                   Paperback, €27.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-03-6                   Hardcover, €89.00

eISBN 978-615-80996-9-1                  eBook, €27.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.HAA.20181

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.

 You can read this book in open access.

Price €27.00


By Anastasija Ropa 

Publication date: April, 2019

Pages: 102, colour

ISBN 978-615-81222-4-5                   Paperback, €20.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-18-0                   Hardcover, €55.00

eISBN 978-615-81222-5-2                  eBook, €20.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.REH.20191

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.


 You can read part of this book in open access.

Price €20.00

Same Bodies,...

Edited by Christopher Mielke and Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky

Publication date: March, 2019

Pages: 223, colour

ISBN 978-615-81222-2-1                   Paperback, €30.00

ISBN 978-615-81821-9-5                   Hardcover, €99.00

eISBN 978-615-81222-3-8                  eBook, €30.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.HAA.20192

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.

 You can read this book entirely in open access

Price €30.00

The Beauty is in...


Edited by Judit Majorossy, Katalin Szende, Suzana Miljan, Teodora C. Artimon

ISBN 978-615-81353-3-7

DOI: 10.22618/TP.HAA.20194

Volume 4 (November 2019)

Paperback, pp. 343

For details on this volume, please contact us at


This volume offers a cross-section of English-language articles published by the Austrian medievalist Gerhard Jaritz in the last 35 years. The eighteen articles comprise a refreshing variety of topics and approaches to medieval humans, animals, and things, organized in five thematic units: Mentality, Human Behaviour, Emotions; Social Order; Minorities and Marginal Groups; Animals and Other Creatures; and Objects. All these reflect his engagement with the issues of everyday life at its broadest and best. The reader of these articles, irrespective of knowing Prof. Jaritz from before or not, feels personally invited into the workshop of a meticulously creative mind, a profoundly professional historian who at the same time is also always ready to transgress traditional boundaries and conventions.

Ambiguous Women...

Edited by Mónica Ann Walker Vadillo

Publication date: March, 2019

Pages: 221, colour

ISBN 978-615-81222-0-7                   Paperback, €28.00

ISBN 978-615-81821-8-8                   Hardcover, €99.00

eISBN 978-615-81222-1-4                  eBook, €28.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.HAA.20193

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.

 You can read this book entirely in open access.

Price €28.00

“Past Perfect!” -...

Edited by Christopher Mielke, Stephen Pow, and Tamás Kiss

Publication date: April, 2020

Pages: 306, colour

ISBN 978-615-81353-7-5                   Paperback, €28.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-16-6                   Hardcover, €95.00

eISBN 978-615-81793-2-4                  eBook, €28.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.HAA.20205 

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.

You can download some of the contents of this book in open access.

Price €28.00

Mapping Ptolemaic...

By Şerban George Paul Drugaş

Publication date: February, 2020

Pages: 242, colour

ISBN 978-615-81353-6-8                   Paperback, €28.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-17-3                   Hardcover, €76.00

eISBN 978-615-81689-9-1                  eBook, €28.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.MPA

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.


 You can read part of this book in open access.

Price €28.00

Mary, the...

Edited by Stanislava Kuzmová and Andrea-Bianka Znorovszky

Publication date: May, 2020

Pages: 220, colour

ISBN 978-615-81353-8-2                Paperback, €37.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-12-8                Hardcover, €89.00

eISBN 978-615-81793-0-0              eBook, €37.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.PMAEM.20201              

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.

Price €37.00

Voyages and...

Volume 1
Edited by Boris Stojkovski

Publication date: November, 2020

Pages: 348, colour

ISBN 978-615-81689-2-2           Paperback, €37.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-13-5           Hardcover, €109.00

eISBN 978-615-81793-4-8          eBook, €37.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.HMWR.2020VTA1      

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.

 This book is fully available in open access.

Price €37.00

Voyages and...

Volume 2
Edited by Boris Stojkovski

Publication date: November, 2020

Pages: 289, colour

ISBN 978-615-81689-3-9        Paperback, €32.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-14-2        Hardcover, €99.00

eISBN 978-615-81793-5-5       eBook, €32.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.HMWR.2020VTA2                

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.

 This book is fully available in open access.

Price €32.00

Civilizations of...

Edited by Fabrizio Conti

ISBN 978-615-81689-1-5                   Paperback, €45.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-11-1                    Hardcover, €145.00

eISBN 978-615-81689-8-4                 eBook, €45.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.HMWR.20201

Published: November, 2020

In colour, pp. 383

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.

 Parts of this book can be read in open access.

Price €45.00

The Materiality...

Edited by Miriam A. Bibby and Brian G. Scott

Publication date: September, 2020

Pages: 297, colour

ISBN 978-615-81353-9-9                   Paperback, €43.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-15-9                   Hardcover, €89.00

eISBN 978-615-81793-3-1                  eBook, €43.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.REH.20202

For any unavailable copies on our website, please refer to our distributors: ISD LLC for North and South America and EUROSPAN for Europe and the rest of the world.

 Parts of this book can be read in open access.

Price €43.00

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