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Trivent Publishing, H-1119 Budapest, Etele u. 59-61

Imprint: Trivent Medieval

ISSN 3003-9606 (Print)

ISSN 3003-9614 (Online)


Nada Zečević, Goldsmiths University of London,

Suzana Miljan, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb,


Mythologos is a Greek word that denotes an ancient story-teller who narrated about his view of the world and feelings, but also about collective human practices and beliefs. Thus the mythologos created a unique language that reflected the sense of common belonging and shared origins. This language eventually surpassed the boundaries of the Greek world, transferring, challenging, re-shaping, and – above all – enriching the views of human life across the globe and for centuries until our present day.  

The book series Mythologos promotes story-telling about the past by modern authors whose practice has been shaped by a focused study of the human history and its artistic outputs. It explores innovative ways of communicating and interpreting the past in our understanding of the present through the format of a historical narrative as expressed by various literary genres, performative arts, or film and media; at the same time, the series prompts new ethical considerations of authorship and the border-line between historiography and fiction. Thus, it opens a unique platform of dialogue between diverse academic disciplines focused on the study of humanity, as well as between academics and the general public. Emanating from the need to communicate, exchange, examine and re-examine the outputs of the scholarly knowledge about the past and its relation with the human present, the series reflects diverse experiential approaches to the global challenges of our modern times.


Humanities, social sciences, literary and language studies, film and media; scholarly; general, English-speaking, global


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By Jonathan Harris

Publication date: July, 2023

Pages: 320

ISBN 978-615-6405-77-7                        Paperback, €19.96

eISBN 978-615-6405-78-4                    eBook, €19.96

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