Trivent Publishing, H-1119 Budapest, Etele u. 59-61
Imprint: Trivent Transhumanism
Professor David Edward Rose, University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
David Rose’s major research interests are in social ethics, Hegelian thought and rational hermeneutics. The main themes of his work are grounded in readings in the history of ideas, especially the writings of counter-enlightenment ethical thought. He has published various articles on posthumanism, the history of European thought, ethics and political philosophy as well as an introduction to Hegel's social philosophy and monographs on the concept of free-will, the ethics of pornography and posthumanism. Currently, the dominant themes of his thinking concern the human being's self-understanding and its relation to culture in its broadest sense, including education, technology and network systems.
The human being understands itself as an individual agent and perhaps unique amongst things in that it originates action and is a source of value. This modern self-understanding supports and maintains our theories of justice and rightness (who is to blame?), labour (who produced what?), property (who owns what?), intellectual property (essay writing, artistic creation), talent (who deserves what?), family (genetic choices for offspring), politics (who rules me?) and sports (who deserves to win?). However, this certainty in one’s own place is weakening with the emergence of new technologies and new understandings. Human modifying technology (HMT) impacts (our) “self-understanding” against contexts of technology and changing interests. The main enhancements leading to transformation are genetic, morphological, pharmacological, robotic, intellectual and social and the main effects will be on
• Longevity and health (using cloned cells for organ donation, uploading consciousness)
• Equality, work and rights (development of slave workers, overcoming sleep and rest)
• The rise of other agents and rights bearers (robots, AIs, animals, upscaled animals);
• Technology as a way to enhance one’s talents (AI writing, smart drugs for intellectual performance, distributed cognition, memory and cognitive capacity)
• Eugenics and genetic engineering (parent choice, family groupings)
• Non-physical networks of communication (social media, virtual worlds)
These transformations herald impacts on our knowing, being and doing human and these are the philosophical issues this series seeks to investigate. This series invites original scholarship in the field of philosophy, the history of ideas and science, and other related fields directed towards the ontological, ethical and epistemological questions of trans and posthumanism.