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Transhumanism and Latin America


Trivent Publishing, H-1119 Budapest, Etele u. 59-61

Imprint: Trivent Transhumanism


Nicolás Rojas Cortés, Universidad de Chile,


Andrés Vaccari, Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro

Jairo Villalba Gómez, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada

Raúl Villarroel Soto, Universidad de Chile

Fabiola Villela Cortés, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Not every idea is thought of in the same way all over the world. Each perspective depends on a material, social and historical context. The approach to transhumanism in this series is characterized by local issues, namely the lack of technological development, access to it and its necessary, but missing, jurisprudence. Transhumanism will thus be discussed from positions that reflect a cultural plurality rich in complexities. The series is not limited to replicating the research of our peers in the global north.

For this reason, we believe it is necessary to situate transhumanism according to each geographical area and each country. We propose that this movement, instead of being thought of as a single one, can be understood as diverse movements, that is, "transhumanisms" characterized by the objectives they pursue, the contingencies of each one, the risks and scope, as well as the reflections that each community will be able to integrate transhumanism based on the set of values of our societies. Therefore, the way in which transhumanism will be shaped in Latin America will be different than in the USA or the EU.

The book series "Transhumanism and Latin America" aims to be a space for Latin American perspectives on transhumanism to be addressed in a general way. We will publish monographs and volumes compiling articles on the issues, challenges, and opportunities that transhumanism may represent for these parts of the world.

Transhumanism and Latin America

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