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Childhood in History

Childhood in History, edited by Oana Maria Cojocaru,

Tampere Institute for Advanced Study

This book series aims to foster a deeper understanding of how childhood has shaped societies and how societies have, in turn, shaped the lives of young individuals. The series seeks to challenge traditional historical narratives by highlighting the voices and experiences of children who have often been overlooked in traditional historical accounts. It encourages scholars to explore uncharted territories and use innovative methodologies to gain fresh insights into the history of children and childhood. We welcome original research that strives to uncover not only how societal and cultural norms influenced the lives of children in different historical contexts, but also the unique perspectives of children in different eras and geographical areas. 

How to submit a proposal

The series editor invites proposals for monographs, edited volumes, and conference proceedings on subjects related to children and childhood from antiquity to the early modern period. To ensure the highest scholarly standards, all suitable submissions will undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process. 

To send us a proposal, please email the editor at and CC

See the webpage of the series here:

We are looking forward to talking about your book ideas!  

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