Mapping Ptolemaic Dacia

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By Şerban George Paul Drugaş

Publication date: February, 2020

Pages: 242, colour

ISBN 978-615-81353-6-8                   Paperback, €28.00

ISBN 978-615-6405-17-3                   Hardcover, €76.00

eISBN 978-615-81689-9-1                  eBook, €28.00

DOI: 10.22618/TP.MPA

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 You can read part of this book in open access.


Introduction  Download PDF

CHAPTER 1. General Ptolemaic Principles

CHAPTER 2. Ptolemaic and Modern Earth Models. Initial Methodological Framework

CHAPTER 3. Ptolemaic Poleis and Places in Dacia and in Adjacent areas. What We Know  Download PDF

CHAPTER 4. Establishing Local Working Algorithms

CHAPTER 5. Calculating the Coordinates of Some Dacian Poleis from the Established Grid

CHAPTER 6. A Synthesis on the Local Ptolemaic Patterns in Dacia

CHAPTER 7. SWOT Analysis

CHAPTER 8. Limits, Rivers, Tribes and Neighbours of Ptolemaic Dacia 

Conclusive remarks


List of Figures

List of Tables


Specific References

This volume is a contribution to the decipherment of Ptolemy’s universal map, with focus on the territory known as Dacia. The information provided by Ptolemy was translated into modern data considering local features and complying with certain general principles. The difficulty of this task consisted in the way the ancient manuscripts transmitted the original location coordinates, as well as in the way Ptolemy patched together information from ancient itineraries and other sources.

The author of this volume conceived a general formula for mapping Dacia based on the information found in the two oldest sources he used. Furthermore, he determined local patterns with the help of the other sources – therefore, defining locations resulted in a better determination of the surrounding relative positions. This information, as well as the correlation of the Ptolemaic locations with archaeological findings, provides an increased recognition of Ptolemaic Dacia, while also contributing to exposing the Ptolemaic universal map.

Şerban George Paul Drugaş holds a doctoral degree from the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu (Romania), for a study on anthropology in religious and scientific thought. He has published several studies on theology and history, including a few on Dacian history. Şerban is a member of the Balkan History Association (BHA) and a collaborator of the Hiperboreea Journal, the biannual publication of the BHA.

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