The Liminal Horse: Equitation and Boundaries


Rena Maguire and Anastasija Ropa (editors)

Publication date: October, 2021

Pages: 316, colour

ISBN 978-615-81821-5-7                  Paperback, €41.00

ISBN 978-615-81821-7-1                   Hardcover, €93.00

eISBN 978-615-81821-6-4                eBook, €41.00

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Elizabeth O’Brien

Introduction: The Horse as a Liminal Being  Download PDF

Rena Maguire and Anastasija Ropa

CHAPTER 1. Horse Training in the Thirteenth Century: Insights from Jordanus Rufus

Jennifer Jobst

CHAPTER 2. Crossing Borders in Equestrian Training: Applying Jordanus Rufus’s Advice on Training Young Horses Today

Anastasija Ropa

CHAPTER 3. Housing Horses on the Edge in Later Medieval England

Duncan L. Berryman

CHAPTER 4. Roman Horses, Enemy Horses and Riders: The Testimony of Historia Romana by Nikephoros Gregoras

Alexia-Foteini Stamouli

CHAPTER 5. Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: A Study of Horse Type Terms in English, French and Spanish

Cristina Oliveros Calvo

CHAPTER 6. Harnessing Horse Power: Then and Now

Terry Davis

CHAPTER 7. Bridles and Bones: Early Cavalry in Southern Scandinavia

Xenia Pauli Jensen and Jacob Kveiborg

CHAPTER 8. Livin’ on the Edge: Roman Influences on the Equestrian Equipment of Late Iron Age Ireland

Rena Maguire

CHAPTER 9. Dimisso equo: Horse-Riding Elites on the Frontiers of Rome

M. C. Bishop

CHAPTER 10. Mist on the Border: Emperor Severus and the Netherby Arabians that Never Were

Miriam A. Bibby 

Notes on Contributors

Data sheet

Rena Maguire and Anastasija Ropa
Trivent Medieval
Book series
Rewriting Equestrian History
Book series editor(s)
Anastasija Ropa and Timothy Dawson
Publication date
October, 2021
Page numbers

Specific References

The historical horse is at once material and abstract, as is the notion of the border. Borders and frontiers are not only markers delineating geographical spaces but also mental constructs: there are borders between order and disorder, between what is permitted and what is prohibited. Boundaries and liminal spaces also exist in the material, economic, political, moral, legal and religious spheres. In this volume, the contributing authors explore the theme of the liminality of the horse in all of these historical arenas, asking how does one reconcile the very different roles played by the horse in human history?

RENA MAGUIRE is an Irish archaeologist specialising in ancient lorinery and equine material culture. She is a graduate and Research Fellow of Queen's University Belfast.

ANASTASIJA ROPA holds a doctoral degree from Bangor University (North Wales) and is currently a senior researcher at the Latvian Academy of Sport Education. Her most recent research explores medieval equestrianism in English and French literary sources.

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